I confess - i like teams that win. No, that should say - i like teams that play explosively on the offense and win. That can even say - i like teams that play explosively on the offense. Six years ago it was Rams, four years ago it was Buccaneers and last year it was Colts and Steelers. Do you see the common part? No, it's not the SuperBowl championships (Colts didn't get it), since Patriots and Ravens are not even close. It's great offensive plays (they might or might not be backed up by solid defense / special teams) that leave me riveted to the screen all the weekend. Of course, it
doesn't last forever - players get injured, retired, traded or even simply bad. But as long as there is another team that plays great high-scoring offense against any opponent, I'm with them.
My wife tells me that i'm a winner
prostitute. Indeed. Although i have a soft spot for Rams (since they were the first great team i saw in the league seven years ago), i don't have any problem "abandoning" them to root for better-playing teams. Sure, the game yesterday
against Seahawks was a thriller, but i wasn't really sad to see Rams lose. I'd rather see them lose in a great game (which wasn't that great, it was just pretty good) than win by a landslide against Raiders or Titans. My type of game would be 70+ points combined, all though the air. I don't think that there's anything wrong with wanting to see spectacular plays all day long, even when the team just
can't win in the playoffs year after year.